Kontaktu ILEI!
the International League of Esperanto-Speaking Teachers
one of the three major Esperanto organizations
the Esperanto organization dealing most specifically with education
a member of the International Federation of Language Teacher Associations
a member of FIPLV, Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes
a language created to help intercultural communication
a language with no nation, designed to put everybody at ease
a tool for just education
easy to learn and helpful in learning other languages
members all over the world
a widespread network of active sections - Sections
several ongoing and new projects in the field of education (see below)
a cooperation with the Universal Esperanto Association for educational matters
partnerships with other Esperanto organizations, schools and universities
a relation with UNESCO as a NGO dealing with education
foundations to support its activities, particularly in Africa
teachers of Esperanto and of related subjects
students and teachers of any subjects
people interested in education for peace and intercultural communication
people interested in the role of art and the media for effective education
a yearly one-week congress - List of Congresses
language courses, training seminars and teachers' forums
discounts for the magazine for beginners JUNA AMIKO - JA
wide coverage in its social media, such as its Youtube channel - YouTube
publishing opportunities - Click here
Respecting life and nature, fostering equity and friendship over linguistic and cultural barriers
The "30 Golden Hours" project |
The "30 Golden Hours" project was launched in Italy in 2021, in cooperation with the Italian Esperanto Institute.
Its aim is to teach Esperanto and its culture to teachers currently working in Italian high schools through a video course of 20 hours, with additional 10 hours of independent study.
After this introduction, they are in turn ready to teach the material to their own students.
A simple and logic tongue as Esperanto allows a clearer understanding of what constitutes a language and how it works, with possible propaedeutic effects on a range of different subjects.
The "scientific document" presented to regional school authorities to receive their support has since been published in Italian and Esperanto with the title L'esperanto: "Facilità
di apprendimento e aiuto nello studio di altre lingue (Esperanto: Easy to Learn and Helpful in Studying Other Languages)".
The project is currently been adapted to other cultural contexts. Report in the FIPLV Newsletter of July 2023.
The EToSo project |
The "EToSo" project of ILEI and the Iranian Esperanto Association has been launched in 2020, following an idea by Renato Corsetti.
It offers free courses of Esperanto via Zoom in languages, in which it was less commonly taught, such as Swahili, Indonesian or Vietnamese. The first lesson of Esperanto in Arabic is among the most
watched videos in the YouTube channel "Esperanto + Edukado ILEI". - View Here.
The project takes its name - acronym of "Esperanto Courses Tibor Sekelj" - from the beloved figure of an anthropologist, who was also an important author in the international language.
True to his multifaceted interests in every aspect of intercultural communication, also the "EToSo" project has enlarged its sphere of action to include the teaching of other subjects through
Its successful origami class, for instance, has already reached its 100 workshops and is regularly attended by people from all over the world.
Interested teachers or students can contact Renato Corsetti renato.corsetti@gmx.com or Ahmad Reza Mamduhi mamduhi@gmail.com
for additional information.
"Learn about the World of Tea in Esperanto" |
This video project of ILEI and MA-GA FILMOJ is an introductory course in ten lessons on the vibrant world of Chinese tea.
It combines the need for authentic linguistic materials set in real life situations with a focus on intercultural communication. Its target audience are youths interested in pursuing a business career in
this area or to hone their interpersonal skills across cultural barriers.
The course follows the European Max in his journey through the world of Chinese tea, from its ancient traditions and respect for the environment to modern production techniques and the taste of the
younger generations.
The high visual quality of the videos helps language learning in context and shows the potential of Esperanto in the practical life, from tourism to business or to science applied to food production.